
Organizational Skills

Nowaday, it’s  kind of impossible not to be in an organization. Every group in our life can be considered a organization in spite of the size. For example, family is also a organization where we learn how to cooperate with our parents or siblings, yet, it’s not a big organization.

Now, what we need to have in an Organization is a skill. What kind of skill is that? Glad you asked. Soft skills are what we require to live in this globalization. Soft skills itself are a combination of interpersonal people skills, social skills, communication skills, character traits, attitudes, career attributes and emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) among others. In Binus University, this is the most essential skill for students to achieve because Binus realizes it’s role in this era.

Us the freshmans were always supplied by this soft skills material throughout the FEP. We were divided into classes, told to made a video, and even to came up with a cheer. Of course without communicating with others, it would’ve been impossible for us. It’s not just theory but we really did it and i feel that our soft skills has improved a bit, and that was only the General Orientation(GO) phase. After the GO, we will be doing whole lot of more organization activies since we have joined clubs and organizations. These clubs and organizations activities are not just words, it is real and we’ve already felt the impact before we even attend our University life. The example is the event i will explain later on in this blog, HTTP.

Written by wiliamdarmawan in: Uncategorized |

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